
Running Projects

With the aim of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, the Targeted Intervention program in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and the Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society (USACS) is being operated by our organization in Roorkee (Haridwar) for the last 13 years. This program is being run among 950 identified high-risk groups in Roorkee city and surrounding areas. The objective of the scheme is to make the target group aware of HIV/AIDS, the reasons for the spread of HIV/AIDS, ways to avoid them, methods of prevention and treatment. By conducting blood test and medical checkup of the targeted people and other citizens, efforts are being made to ensure that these people are not infected with HIV/AIDS.

Under this project, we are working with various target groups like MSM, TG, FSW and IDUs. Apart from health check-up of high-risk group people, we are also conducting comprehensive check-up of people in hotspot areas. We are also examining people by visiting jail and de-addiction centers in Roorkee.

We also connect the high risk group people associated with the organization with various types of vocational training and also provide legal assistance, if needed. New needles and syringes are also made available to the IDUs people on a regular basis.

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water-project water-project

This year we have identified more than 24 HIV positive people who were unaware of their existence. These people have been linked to government treatment centers. Where they are getting free medical check up and medicines. Our workers are in constant touch with them.

This year we have identified new areas around Roorkee and tried to connect some more HRGs with us. We have started providing service to these new people by registering them.

We have also tried to add some high risk group people or their family members to the vocational trainings conducted by the organization. Due to which their source of income will increase.

From the year September 2019, our organization started Child Helpline-1098 service in Pauri. Childline is a 24x7 emergency service for children jointly operated by the CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION (CIF) and the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India at the national level.

Under this program, the staffs of our organization are available 24 hours a day to help those children who are in any kind of problem and ask us for help. 1098 is a toll-free number where children up to 18 years of age can call anytime to seek help as needed. Our staffs reach to their help within 24 hours. For this purpose, we have opened a separate office in Old SBI Building, Dhara Road, Pauri and have installed two landline numbers 10368-221850 and 01368-221925 only for this purpose. Both of them are connected to 1098 Toll free center. A total of 09 staffs (01 Project Coordinator, 01 Counselor, 06 Team Members and 01 Volunteer) are employed in this program.

Under the awareness programme, our team members are going to all the schools, gram panchayats, blocks and Anganwadi centres. Along with this, they are giving information about the program by going to different types of meetings, training, fairs, groups, gram panchayat meetings etc. As part of our outreach activity, our team members go to the field during day and night and find needy children at their level.

Our work area is all 15 development blocks of Pauri district for running this program, we take the cooperation of district level officers like District Program Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Education Officer, District Superintendent of Police, Labor Officer, Social Welfare Officer, Child Welfare Committee, Municipality and local NGOs.

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water-project water-project

This year our organization through its Pauri office helped a total of 164 children and their families. In which ration, medicines, nutrition, masks, sanitizers, soap, etc. were made available to poor children and families. Efforts were made to rehabilitate the begging children. Many children were freed from child labor. Action was taken to reunite the lost children with their families. Many children were given medical help and others were helped in other ways.

Continuous campaigns for the safety of children were done through newspapers, TV news, pamphlets, posters, school meetings etc.

Government officials and common citizens have appreciated our work a lot. This effort of ours will continue in the years to come.

Under the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, in collaboration with the Uttarakhand Panchayati Raj Department, this year we organized 02 two-days training for the representatives of three-tier Panchayats (Gram Panchayat, block Panchayat, District Panchayat). The training was conducted for all the Gram Panchayat representatives in two phases. In the first phase, all the representatives of block Champawat, district Champawat were given two-days training on 09 themes and Gram Panchayat Development Plan in sustainable development goals (SDGs). This training was organized at block and Nyay Panchayat level with the help of Panchayati Raj Department. Considering the seriousness of the subject, the trainers used various mediums like laptops, projectors, case studies, games etc. for training. The participation of panchayat representatives in the training was commendable. This training was organized from 29.11.2023 to 31.12.2023 and about 1835 Gram Panchayat representatives and line department employees participated in it.

In the second phase, training was organized from 20.02.2023 to 16.03.2023 for Panchayat representatives of block Yamkeshwar, Dugadda and Beeronkhal of District Pauri Garhwal. The main topics of this training were Panchayats' own source of income, audit, water supply, solid waste management, E-governance etc.

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Like earlier, in this training also the trainers used different mediums for training. This training was also organized block and Nyay Panchayat level. The employees of Line Department were not included in this training. This training was also successfully completed with departmental cooperation and there was active participation of the representatives. A total of 1646 delegates were trained in this training.

In this way, this year a total of 3481 panchayat representatives were trained on the subject of Panchayati Raj system and local self-governance.

In this financial year, our organization with the help of Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (SEWA-THDC) operated a total of 03 homeopathy dispensaries at Semmukhem and Pokhri in District Tehri and Dhauntari in district Uttarkashi, as in the previous year. The objective of this dispensary is to provide free homeopathic medicine to the villagers in the remote areas of the hilly districts. Trained homeopathic doctors and assistants have been appointed in these three centers. In these centers all patients are treated free of cost and medicines are also given free of cost. Apart from homeopathic, first aid of allopathic is also done. Due to lack of hospital facilities in these areas, the villagers face a lot of problems. Keeping in view their needs, SEWA-THDC launched this programme.

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water-project water-project

These clinics are proving to be a boon for the people of this area. The SEWA-THDC also keeps an eye on the progress of the dispensary. We also prepare monthly reports and send them to SEWA-THDC. A contribution of Rs. 05 was taken from the able patients and free medicines were given to children and adults. The details of patients from April 2023 to March 2023 are as follows.

Dhauntri - 5403
Semmukhem - 5439
Pokhri - 4527

This program had to be closed on 31st March 2023 after the contract with SEWA-THDC expired.